Particle Size Reduction in Animal Feeds
Size reduction (grinding) of whole grains and other ingredients that require reduction is perhaps one of the most important processes in livestock and poultry feed manufacture. Done properly it provides sizes that compliment not only specific species requirements, but also the mechanical processes used in feed manufacture such as mixing, pelleting and perhaps extrusion. The two major designs (pre-grind and post-grind) used in feed manufacture are discussed, pointing advantages and disadvantages. Hammermills (horizontal and vertical motor shaft) are the primary machines used in size reduction and the design and operation of each is discussed. Grinding is expensive and determining cost in kWh per ton is explained along with how to determine max/min number of hammers in a machine. The smaller the grind the greater the cost with a corresponding decrease in tons per hour. Describing particle size is also explained and discussed.
Instructor Bio
Kim B. Koch, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist & Technologist
Northern Crops Institute
Fargo, ND USA
Doctor of Philosophy, Kansas State University 1990, Grain Science and Industry
Master of Science, Kansas State University 1983, Grain Science and Industry
Bachelor of Science, Kansas State University 1973
Current Responsibilities:
Teaching and Outreach Activities
Leadership for extrusion processing and feed milling technology
Food Safety Lead Instructor for Preventive Controls courses for Human & Animal Foods
Consulting: 1990 – 2022 +250 activities/programs in 45 countries
U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC)
World Initiative Soy in Human Health (WISHH)
US Grains Council (USGC)
Land O’ Lakes International Development
Minnesota Department of Agriculture
North Dakota Department of Agriculture
North Dakota State University
Northern Crops Institute
Northern Pulse Growers Association
U.S. Commerce Department
U.S. Department of Agriculture – Agency for International Development
US Dry Pea and Lentil Council